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I have been busy since the exhibition at half term, but I haven’t actually made anything. I went to London. I went to the Art Party Conference. I’ve fannied about on facebook and twitter, and drummed up support for our Kickstarter campaign to set us on our way to New York hopefully via some other funding pot…

(there are still a few days left if you want to join in – yes, you too can come to NY!


and you might even have the chance to own one of my works as a reward!)

I’ve even been at home for a week, and have lacked the motivation to do anything but stare at one screen or another. I was feeling slumpy and flumpy and frumpy.

But now, I’m at it again. I have finished making a little vest I started making while the exhibition was going on… and today I started making a little pair of baby shoes out of the same nothings I’ve been working with. Strangely, the pile of things made gets bigger, but the pile of things I’m making from doesn’t seem to get any smaller. Is it because I am constantly aerating it like the compost heap? I turn it over, de-tangle it and fluff it up a bit each time… or is it part of the same narrative, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts?

It is nice to be stitching again.