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The exhibition launch was fun.

We had cake, and tea.

So much more me than nasty white wine and nibbles.

It was good to catch up in real-time with Bo, have a proper conversation. Although we were quite busy talking to other people too. It is really good to talk about the work, the progression, the links between the strands, and the perhaps less visible links between mine and Bo’s.

I sold something.

It is nice to see the work up, all in one place. I haven’t had time to take photos, although I think Bo did, so maybe they will appear on his blog sometime.

Next week, I am opening the studio itself. At the moment it is still full of the crap of exhibition hanging… paint tins, tool kits, rubbish… and cake crumbs. So during the next few days I’m going to have a look at my surroundings afresh, and think about whether things are in the right place. I want to put the bra drawings in a more prominent place, as these are the things I want to concentrate on next. I might move some furniture. I might fold away the ironing board. I will vacuum the carpet!

Initially excited by the prospect of opening the studio, I am somewhat reticent also.

It is hard to explain, and I know that some people that read this will understand totally, and that others won’t or might even be offended. To be honest if you are offended I don’t give a sh!t…

I jealously guard this space. It is hard earned. I might invite you in, I might not. It is mine. The frame of mind I am in, and my flow of thought might affect how I feel about your presence. In the short time I have “lived” in it I have seen various approaches. Some people wander in as if it is a shop. It is not a shop. Some people hover at the open door. That’s ok. If you do that I might offer you a seat. If the door is shut, leave me alone, or knock and wait. Everyone except one person has knocked before being invited to enter. The one that walked in was ushered out unceremoniously. A few people yesterday said, *“ooh now I know where you are I can pop in to see you!” This isn’t what it is for. It is not a social space. It is most definitely an ANTI-social space. I read this back and it sounds aggressive, stroppy. I don’t give a sh!t about that either. It’s mine. I can do what I damn well please.

BUT… next weekend, 17th May, from 11-4 it will be open. You can wander in, sit down, look around, talk, ask questions, look at my work in progress, and at the exhibition. I promise I will be friendly, approachable, nice and polite and welcoming. There will be more cake!

And then at 4pm, I’ll shooo you all out and shut the door.

*PS. E and H… you don’t count, but it would be wise to text first!