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Finished the 6.5 inch embroidery and it’s looks wrong, a bit pathetic, a bit weak – size does matter! It looks lost on the 14 inch square handkerchief.

 The trouble is that I want every aspect of my artwork to be significant. Some significant number just aren’t aesthetically ‘right’ though. Do I give up on the entire piece or allow myself an aesthetic judgement rather than a logical one? Being able to justify all the components of a piece is important to me, but maybe it’s not always important for the artwork itself.

I’ve decided that I’ll include some considerably older pieces when I get my photographed (a new year project). Having poor or no photographs of pieces that I like or that are significant developments is bad for my confidence, and has made talking about my practice a little awkward.

Old artwork to photograph:

sewn up suit

Camp – tent structure

Exchange – large patchworsilk plane

Also need to scan some older slides/prints.

Standing Room Guide

I want to be able to offer at least one good image for each of the pieces I’ve shown in the last 10 years. How I can I expect other people to take me seriously if I don’t take myself seriously …