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I’ve spent the last hour typing and deleting paragraphs that attempt to explain what I want to do next. And basically I’m not sure that I can explain it, not in the ways I’m used to explaining things.

I want to go to Stockholm, for at least a few months possibly a year …

The plan so far:
• research residencies / exchange programmes
• make contact with artist led projects / studios
• plan a research visit for early 2009
• learn some basic Swedish

I can’t explain it other than to say it feels right – more right than trying to get on to PhD programme, more right than finding better part-time work. This feeling, listening to my feelings, is new to me and it’s a little bit scary – scary and exciting.

Do I have to have a logical, rational, sensible reason for doing things?
Perhaps my long-held desire to justify my actions isn’t relevant anymore. Who was I justifying them to anyway?