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Perhaps it’s because I haven’t settled in to a routine yet but time is passing very quickly. I guess that going away at the weekends and meeting up with friends keeps things moving at a pace too.

The Week 1 project is on-going and I’ve stated to do other things alongside. I’m really enjoying working in the studio – it makes such a difference to me to work somewhere that is spacious and light not to mention clean and neat. It would be wonderful to always have a studio like this one. The other day I glimpsed inside another studio (the door was open) and saw that they had put up an additional wall which made a seperate space. It got me thinking how great it would be to have a studio where you could have an ‘office’ area as well as a making/creative space. That way I could really spend all my day there rather than having to do online and admin stuff ‘at home’. Of course I’m not going to start building walls during my residency but it’s something I will bear in mind when I’m looking for a new studio.

Had a good meeting with Alex last night. We had a lot of ideas about how the residency could work – I hope that we can achieve some of them in the next two months!

The concrete things are a presentation to the artists at wip:sthlm (next Friday evening) and an Open Studio event towards the end of the residency (which is actually mid October). Alex is also going to let wip:sthlm’s mailing list know that their residency scheme is up and running and that I’m here!

We talked about making contact with local art schools. I’d like that and would be very happy to meet with their students. We also discussed studio visits for curators.

I get a very good feeling from Alex, she is really committed and enthusiastic.